Welcome back ..... 2012 - 2013 ..... 8th grade English
We have made it through 2 weeks of school, and we are off and running!
Wednesday of this week, students received a handout containing the following information and were told to take their grammar book home. Thus, they should have the textbook at home so that they can study the following material for the first grammar test. These pages should be used for reference.
1. sentence/fragment - pages 324-326
2. identification of simple subjects and simple predicates (verbs) - pages 327 - 332 and pages 371 - 375
3. compound subjects - page 335 ....... compound predicates (verbs) - page 336
4. inverted order - in notes
5. understood (you) - see imperative sentence - page 339
6. prepositions - pages 386 - 388 ..... notes in English binder
7. the odds and ends page - in English binder or on computer
8. the steps to follow - handout in English binder
Monday, August 27 ..... 100 point grammar test
DUE Monday, August 27 ..... English binder with tabs
DUE ..... Wednesday, August 29 ..... exercises for vocabulary #2 - pages 31 -34
DUE ..... Friday, August 31 ..... answers for the 1- 40 questions that cover the paragraph unit ..... This handout will be given to students Monday, and they can work on this when they finish the grammar test.
Students need to read their AR books daily. They are required to accrue 20 points each nine week grading period, and the grade goes on the tests/composition side of the average. We checked out the first AR book Thursday, August 9. Students need to have a minimum of 5 AR points by Tuesday, September 11, which is the halfway point of the first nine week period. On the average, a student needs to take an AR test about every 2 weeks. If a student is reading a long book, I will discuss this midpoint requirement with that individual student.
I will be posting my classroom expectations and grading procedures next week. I am looking forward to a great year!!