Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Important dates.........

The following dates and additional "need to know" dates were placed on the SmartBoard Monday,
Nov. 1.  Students were instructed to write these dates and information in their planners.

DUE ... Monday, Nov. 1 or Tuesday, Nov. 2 ..... AR notification note signed by parent  ..... Please ask you child about this note if you have not seen and/or signed it.

DUE ... Tuesday, Nov. 2 ..... 1-22 questions for s/cp/cx sentences

DUE ... Wednesday Nov. 2 ..... 33 flashcards for subordinate conjunctions and relative pronouns....28    
              subordinate conjunctions and 5 relative pronouns

Thurs., Nov. 4 ..... quiz on s/cp/cx 1-22 questions

Fri., Nov. 5 ..... quiz on 1-22 questions and flashcards

Mon., Nov. 8 ..... quiz on 1-22 questions and flashcards
DUE Monday, Nov. 8 ..... minimum 5 AR points
Also...Monday, Nov. 8 ..... voc. test on unit #5

Tues., Nov. 9 ..... quiz on 1-22 questions and flashcards

***Even though students will not receive credit for making flashcards for the 1-22 questions, I have encouraged them to do this.  They can place the question on one side of the card and the answer on the other side of the card.  Each day they need to go over the 1-22 questions and the flashcards.  The following groups of words are on the flashcards:  verbs/prepositions/coordinate conjunctions/conjunctive adverbs/subordinate conjunctions/relative pronouns.  They need to know the group to which each word belongs.  They can go through the flashcards on their own, or they can have someone call out the questions/words to them.  However, they need to go over this material each day.  

***Additional homework will be assigned to go along with this unit on sentence structure, but I do not always post homework on this blog.  However, I do post the homework on the board, and it is the student's responsibility to write the homework in his/her planner.  

Wednesday, Nov. 10 ..... 200 point major test on s/cp/cx sentences...1-22 questions....correcting errors using concepts learned in this unit.........

Monday, Dec. 13 ....... DUE ..... 20 AR points......This is the last day to take an AR test for this nine weeks.